We supply various bases for the mens toupee hair replacement systems including: skin base, lace base, mono base and a combined base. How to choose a suitable base for you? Here is a list of distinct features of our common bases.


Skin Base


Transparent skin is thin skin, which creates a natural appearance. According to the thickness, transparent skin can be divided into ultra thin skin, super thin skin, skin with gauze, etc. This kind of skin usually appears on the base perimeter.


PU is thicker than transparent skin, but thinner than PU coating, which is composed of a mono plus clear PU.


Lace Base


Swiss lace is softer than French lace. However, it can only stand medium light density.


French lace is the most popular lace base. This base type is natural and breathable. It’s a good choice for the trial order.


Mono Base


Fine mono base is a very common. It has a well-knit texture and can bare extra heavy hair density making it extra durable.


Super fine mono base, but this base can bear a maximum of medium density.


Fine welded mono, it is often used to hold the front and sides to another base. Like mono base, it can stand extra heavy hair density.


Silk mono is a skin-friendly base with a maximum of medium density.