Hair density is a very necessary detail for choose mens hair pieces. Many customers like to describe the hair density by percentage. But in fact, different customers have their own standard on hair density percentage. Different mens toupee hair manufacturers also have their paticular density percentage description.

For example, some customers would like a 100% density, but some manufacturer’s “100% density” may be more or less than Customer’s “100% density” . Then there may be some misunderstanding between customers and manufacturers. Even there may be some disputes about the hair density between customers and manufactuers.

For example, the below is our density word description matching percentage description:


Extra light: 60%

Light: 80%

Medium light:100%


Medium Heavy:140%


Extra Heavy:180%


To avoid this trouble, Toupeec usually use “extra light, light, medium light,medium,medium heavy,heavy and extra heavy” to describe the hair density instead of the percentage.