Many people begin to suffer from male type baldness in their twenties. It can lead to hair loss, hairline regression, and eventually bad hair. People have been studying hair loss for hundreds of years, and solutions are constantly developing.


The most popular hair loss solution in the 21st century is the hair replacement system. The hair replacement system is a semi permanent, non-invasive method that can cover up any alopecia. It is essentially a more advanced wigs or toupees that can be attached to the scalp with different adhesives.


People who are starting to study hair replacement system options need a lot of help. It can be daunting to know that there are thousands of variations in the same product. It's important to understand the functional and technical aspects of the system so that you can get value for money. Before you buy a hair replacement system, please introduce yourself to the complex hairstyle, so as to give yourself amazing hairstyle.


Different types of hair replacement systems


In depth study of the production process of the hair system, most people have made mistakes, focusing on the visual aspects of the hair system. The color, texture and length of your hair are of course important, and you need to make sure you get the right density. It's also important to know whether you want your hair system to have human hair or artificial hair. But the most important aspect is the technical problem, which is the real reason why your hair system looks natural and comfortable to sit on your head. The two most important things you need to focus on are the attachment method and the skin base. The most commonly used bases are polymer bases. Now, what is a multiple engine system? This will be explained later in the article.


What are the different adhesive methods?


There are three main attachment methods used in hair system modeling. The first is to use glue on the adhesive. There are many variants of adhesives that can be used for different types of alkali as well as allergen and chemical differences. The second method also uses adhesives in a more user-friendly format. Double sided tape is specially developed for hair system, each basic type is different. These are easier to use, but less retentive. However, they are also easier to remove and clean than liquid bonding methods. The third method is the most humanized, but can only be worn in a short time. These are plastic or metal clips that can be attached to existing hair. Only people with long enough hair can take root in pins. People prefer to go to the saloon to get liquid adhesive accessories, but it can also be done at home.


What are the different basic types of hair system?


The base of the toupee hair is perhaps the most critical part. They are responsible for almost all important aspects, from comfort, grip, breathability to appearance fidelity and toupee hair life. There are two main materials for the toupee hair base. Generally, all hair pieces are a mixture of one of these database types mixed with other bases to produce different effects. The two kinds of basic hair are quite different from each other, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


What is the lace base hair system?


Exquisite lace hair system can not detect and smooth. The hair is hand tied to a thin multi filament synthetic fiber. The toupee hair is breathable and you can wash your hair when you wear it. They are tricky to clean, but easy to install and very comfortable. There are many variants of the rental base, such as the Swiss, French or mesh lace base system. They are further divided into many types. You can learn all about them on our blog.


What is the ploy hair system?


The poly system is more of a foundation or foundation made of polymers. Many different variants depend on the thickness of the base. Poly groups are also called skin groups because they are closest to the skin. With some makeup and spray gun, they look like scalp even without hair! However, these are not as breathable as mesh. But where there is not enough air, they guarantee quality. They are extremely durable and realistic, so they can also be used in front of film and 4K cameras.


Why is the poly base hair system more suitable for beginners?


Many reasons attract beginners to this type of base instead of lace base. When new users get the answer to what is the polyhair system, they want to invest immediately. Many surprising properties of polyalkali are;


After proper care, poly Base can be used easily for nearly a year;


Poly hair systems are cheaper than net bases because net bases are considered fancy;


Despite its bad reputation, polyalkali is actually more durable and can be handled roughly;


Because they are not very delicate, they are suitable for beginners or non-experts;